Monday, April 2, 2007

Sometime Pop isn't a bad thing...

With American Idol and well let's face it, the entire music industry "Pop" music has become a revolving door of shit. I would like to argue it wasn't always that way. At one point Pop music wasn't the crap at the bottom of the barrel, it was actually the good stuff. Somewhere between Elvis, Buddy Holly, and The Beatles something went wrong. There aren't any bands of that quality that have had that sort of sucess.

Anyway the point is I recently saw this band, Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer, (when they started getting recognition they had to change it from Zoloft) First off I love the name...Secondly these guys and girl, are absolutely fantastic. They take a kind of modern approach to 60's bubble gum pop. While not at all difficult, it is light-hearted and fun. Additionally the vocalist is a cutie, and her lyrics are fun and cute. Check it out if you are interested.


wa11z said...

Will have to check them out.

fermicat said...

I agree - some pop is good. The kind I hate most is the 'manufactured' variety. The bands that a group of executives put together might sell records (as designed), but they universally suck.