Thursday, January 11, 2007

a couple good leads, stupid ideas, and f***ing music stations

So unfortunately, still no job. However, I have found a few solid leads on places to try. I hope I can get one soon, my bank account is in the double digits and if I don't find something soon I will be in deep shit.

Also not sure if this was a good idea, but I am getting sick, and since I graduated I am no longer on my parents insurance, so I found some amoxicilin(sp?) I didn't end up taking when I had a cold last (its still good, its from two months ago) and I have been taking it. I know its a stupid move, but I really can't afford to get sick.

VH-1 has a show called white rappers, I really think it should be renamed white trash rappers. I saw 5 minutes of it and I was ashamed to share the same skin pigment. This doesn't really surprise me as I think VH-1 is the cable version of FOX, with shows like I Love New York, Flavor of Love, White Rappers, and their slew of "celebreality" shows which prey on people that are only a fraction more famous than me, that I am sure are baited by agents telling them this will be there comeback. And here I was under the impression that VH-1 was the classy version of MTV apparently class doesn't get ratings. Anyway, I only use youtube to watch music videos because not only do music channels not air music videos their Jerry Springer-esc shows eat my brain much like ecstasy. Unfortunately for VH-1, ecstasy has some redeeming qualities while it does not.


BC said...

Turn your tv off before you go blind. LOLOL

fermicat said...

I'm showing my age here, but I remember when MTV and VH1 actually played videos. All the time. And the videos they played didn't suck. Now I don't even bother with them because they never show anything I am remotely interested in. I haven't watched music videos (other than my DVD of Peter Gabriel videos) in more than ten years.

Taylor said...

oh man, I wish I had a DVD of Peter Gabriel Videos. and if I had to pick a time fram when MTV stopped playing videos it would have been when Total Request Live came out in the mid 90's and VH1 I think it was fairly recent like maybe early 2000. What makes this even more funny is when I looked at MTV2, which did play only music videos, it now only plays reruns of MTV reality shows.

BC said...

I remember the first launch. I also met 3 of the original MTV VJs.

wa11z said...

Yeah it's really lame. Music videos seem to be a lost art form. I remember "Sledgehammer" being a groundbreaking video when it came out. I'm sure Peter Gabriel would attest to the power of video to impact an artist's carrer.

fermicat said...

I really enjoy Peter Gabriel videos and was wishing for a DVD like that for a long time. When I finally saw one in the store, I pounced!