Monday, January 8, 2007

So I broke down and did it

I have never been a big fan of blogs or live journals or anything thing related to them, but I have recently discovered the therapeutic(sp?) value of writing things down. As anyone who knows anything about me would know I have recently graduated B.A. political science and while I plan on going to England to study history, specifically The Scotish Enlightenment, I obviously need to obtain a job. I have spent 4.5 years and upwards of 40,000 dollars getting my education thus far and I feel in a way that this entitles me to a job that is more stimulating than bagging groceries, no offense to baggers i did it for 5 years and its mind numbing. However, with no job market in my town I have found myself out of luck and feeling shitty. So graduating isn't quite its all cracked up to be, I sure as hell don't feel smarter than I did a month ago and I definately don't feel like I contribute more to society.

On the other hand, my parents seem to be understanding, they see me trying and aren't riding my ass. Infact my mom bought me this book How the Scots Invented the Modern World by Arthur Herman, which is incredible so far. I am also trudging my way through Hamilton Ron Chernow's analysis of who he considers the forgotten forefather Alexander Hamilton, which I am inclined to agree with him, although as far as it goes philosophically I couldn't disagree more with the aristocrat loving and elitist Hamilton. I was also advised by favorite professor, and hopefully after I complete my master's program my mentor for a Ph.D. (but hey lets no get ahead of myself), to not stop writing. That being said I am finally writing a story I have been mental working on for a year (and I outlined several times) also I am putting on paper an idea that i developed with a friend from college that I hope to get hooked up with an artist to develop as a graphic novel or novella.

Lastly, I have been adding people I know that have blogs, that I find interesting and entertaining, however if you aren't on here its because I am new to this and still networking, also you aren't entertaining or interesting.


wa11z said...

Cool! This will be a fun read I hope. And you put Scifi Straight Dope twice.

Taylor said...

i like it that much...really i am stupid

fermicat said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of writer's block. I mean blogging.

BC said...

Hey there!!!

I see I got the top spot. LOLOL

Is my sad life that entertaining?


I wasnt into blogging either but I had all these weird ideas floating around in my head and I was just too lazy to write a book.

I suffer from writers block alot so I rely on my friends and family to provide me with enlightening stuff to keep my noggin rolling.

I have a good one coming up but tonight I actually went off all medications. Feeling a little on the wild side.

I should blog about that huh? LOL

wa11z said...

Haha. Now you linked Ctheokas' blog