Sunday, April 15, 2007

Being judged from every angle...

So this week is going to be a rough one on the old ego and self esteem. I have two follow up interviews for work, one as a bill collector and one is for "customer service" which I think translates to, what every the hell we want you to do. I would prefer the latter only because bill collecting is awkward and it is commissioned work, and I am not known for my stellar work ethic...haha...that is always a fact I leave out of interviews.
Next up I have an audition with a band in the area who has been looking for a drummer for a few weeks, they heard of me through some various other bands in columbus and I have arranged an audition with them for thursday night. While I am not nervous about this I had an experience similar to this and this band I audition for said I was great but I was to short and scrappy, what the fuck! I mean tell me I am not good enough, but dont tell me I play perfectly well but I don't fit the description of an Abercrombie and Fitch model so I can't play with them, douche bags! Since then I have always been wary of auditions because that one burned me bad.
Lastly and most importantly, The United States education liason for The University of St. Andrew's (its in Fife, Scotland) will be meeting with me for the last stage of the interview process. This is nerve racking I went to a mediocre college because of fear of rejection letters, and I didn't originally intend on applying here, but I was convinced by one of my professors. I sent the application out expecting absolutely nothing, but I am at the last stage of the acceptance process and if I screw it up now...its going to sting.


fermicat said...

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. ;-)

Bill collecting sounds very depressing to me. I don't think I could do it.

Good luck with the audition. And why should a band care how tall their drummer is anyway? He's the one guy who gets to sit all the time. What a load of crap...

wa11z said...

If they care about what your size is as opposed to how you play then they are posers. Fuck'em.
And if you have a problem with rejection, then I suppose bill collecting would not be up your alley. Just a guess.

TheWriteGirl said...

Sounds like you underestimate yourself in the brainpower department. Or you have a very tender ego. But being a musician means you put yourself out there all the time to be judged. So it can't be that tender. Wow. You're a very complex guy. As far as the interview, do your homework, if you have the time. Find out what they're interested in. Show that you care enough to find out a little about the school. They love that kind of thing. Go all over their website, if you haven't already.

As far as the audition goes, like Wal11z said, fuck'em. You know you can play. The rest is irrelevant.

Taylor said...

fermi- thats what I keep telling myself, but it still scares the crap out of me and with that band that said I was too short they were all 6 foot plus and looked like models, but as a band they blew and I think they broke up.

wa11z- its sucks because I know bill collecting isn't up my alley, but its difficult to find a job near me and since I am leaving in 6 months I am not willing to relocate.

thewritegirl- I love playing music, more than that I love being apart of the creative entity of a band, but I am petrified of playing shows. You aren't going to find to many bands willing to practice and write without wanting them to play, so I sucked it up, drink a little too much, and deal with it.

TheWriteGirl said...

Yeah, the whole creative process is such a turn-on. That's what gets me up in the morning. That's what makes life really worth living. The stage fright's a tough thing. Even though you're the drummer and you're in the back, it's still scary, huh? Maybe, the more you do it, the easier it will get. (How's that for a dopey, useless platitude?)

wa11z said...

Look at it this way, most people in clubs aren't really paying that much attention anyway. Even if they paid to get in. Everyone is so wrapped up in there own little world that they aren't gonna see you mess up. That's what makes you nervous, right? The fear of scewing up?

Taylor said...

yeah...unfortunately I am a perfectionist and for every one time I screw up I beat myself up at least 100 times.